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Our fields of expertise

Calibrated mineral for each application

The challenge of minerals nowadays is to feed each process with the adequate chemical and physical needs. By calibrating each mineral we refer to insure the different parameters, which insures the success of each chemical reaction through performance and cost efficiency. 


From primary to secundary minerals each one has its own properties which can be considered as vital for the good functionning of the process or simply a way to reinforce and sustain its development.


By getting more and more strategic some specific minerals require expertise to secure long term supply in order to secure final product manufacturing. The more strategical the mineral will be the more MTO minerals' team will be able to help and guide your path to the right source of supply.


Our understanding of application goes from agricultural and environmental applications to the wide industrial field. We learn from you everyday in order to find the right minerals. And the more we will understand your need the more we will be able to taylor made your supply and build a confidential partnership.

by MTO Minerals.

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